About Professor Strobel (left or top) -- Syllabus Overview (right or bottom)
Throughout the course we will examine the process and philosophy of science from the astronomical perspective. We will use several examples from current research problems. Modern astronomy deals with some very mind-expanding stuff requiring sophisticated abstract and logical thinking so you will need to give your brain TIME to mull over and digest the concepts. If you take a look at any college astronomy textbook (not just mine) and any course outline for a college astronomy class, you will see that modern astronomy is mostly a "physics of the cosmos"—how things work and how we know. Astronomy is a visually beautiful and intellectually stimulating subject. We live in a beautiful universe on a gorgeous planet. Understanding how it became the way it is and how the parts interact with each other enriches and deepens our appreciation for the artistry around us. It is my hope that you will take the time and spend the effort to learn how our universe works.
At the end of the Solar System (Astr B3) course, the successful student will be able to:
The amount of time you need to commit to this course is equivalent to what you would have for a regular course in a classroom. You will be able to set your own schedule as to what time of day you do the learning, but the discussion postings, homework, quizzes, and exams will have particular due times every week. The due time is 11:59 PM on the due dates. This online section is intended for college students who cannot make it to a regular astronomy lecture and who do not need a physical classroom setting to learn challenging material. Learning the material is your responsibility and it will require a great deal of self-discipline, especially in a distance education mode of learning! However, you won't be alone---a lot of the work can be done with a partner or partners and I'm here to help as well.
Do not sign up for this course if you cannot devote as much time to this on-line course as you would a regular course in a physical classroom---realistically, at least 9 (usually more!) hours of study/learning time per week! Also, do not sign up for the internet class if you are looking for a class less rigorous than the face-to-face version. Modern astronomy deals with some very mind-expanding stuff requiring sophisticated abstract and logical thinking so you will need to give your brain TIME to mull over and digest the concepts. Modern astronomy is mostly a "physics of the cosmos"—how things work and how we know.
Given this time commitment and the time crunch you have with other education/work/family responsibilities, I encourage you to use one or more of the study tips in the Helpful Hints for Success to make the precious study time more efficient and effective. The study tips also include how to "study-read" the Astronomy Notes textbook, so you don't have to re-read it several times to comprehend the material, how to prepare for and succeed in the multiple-choice monthly exams, and why writing is better than typing (or copy-pasting) for your lecture notes.
I got two Bachelor of Science degrees, one in Physics and one in Astronomy, at the University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ) in 1987. I worked for a year to decompress from the rigors of studying and then went on to graduate school at the University of Washington (in the Astronomy Department). I got my Master of Science in Astronomy in 1990 and finished my PhD in Astronomy in 1995.
While at the University of Washington I taught the introductory astronomy course, the introductory planetary science course, and the introductory cosmology course. I found I enjoyed teaching much more than research. I came to Bakersfield College in 1996. I adapted my 10-week introductory astronomy course to the 16-week semester at BC.
To find out more about me, visit my homepage.
I provide plenty of opportunities for students to improve their logical reasoning abilities in a safe, supportive environment. That skill can only be honed by continual practice, making mistakes and trying again---I’ve made plenty myself and I continue learning! Using logical reasoning, you will be able to make valid conclusions just like you’ll be asked to do in the real world in a professional-level job.
I want to make you feel safe in practicing the logical thinking by working with other students in a peer-teaching community. We are part of a diverse learning community. That diversity is an asset because you will not only learn from me but you will also learn from your classmates, who come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. You will work together on the weekly quizzes, homework, and “lecture-tutorials” that force you to confront common misconceptions and develop a correct model through logical reasoning and empirical evidence. I provide the opportunity for learning by creating the questions and scenarios and then you do the learning by figuring things out together.
Your grade will be based on your performance on three exams (about 20% of the course grade) + final (about 21% of the course grade), 22 homework assignments (about 24% of the course grade), 11 quizzes (about 16% of the course grade), & in-class projects - classroom participation (about 10% of the course grade), and Skywatch (about 8% of the course grade). All points will be added up and the sum divided by the maximum possible (excluding extra credit). The course grade will be determined by the following percentage scale:
Unlike high school, it is possible in a college course to get an ``F'' if your performance on the required assignments is below the ``D'' threshold regardless of the effort you put into the course. However, you can work with other students on most of the assignments (except monthly exams and final Skywatch report) and I'll create groups in Canvas for students to help each other.
Assignments, lecture slides, and recorded video lectures will be posted on the class Canvas website. Check the class Canvas website several times a week.
The homework assignments will stress critical reasoning (and some computation). Homework assignments are due by 11:59 PM on Canvas. Note that the first homework assignment is due on Friday but the others will be due on a Monday or Thursday. Exam questions are drawn partly from the required homework assignments. All of the homework assignments have been already posted on the class website before the start of the semester. No late (including tardy) homework assignments will be accepted BUT there is A LOT of extra credit offered to make up for a few missed assignments. Those who do all or a majority of the homework assignments score on average at least one whole letter grade higher on the exams than those who do less of the homework assignments---the homework assignments really do help!
Quizzes & exams are multiple-choice format. The quizzes will be on Thursdays except in exam weeks and are due by 11:59 PM and are timed for a maximum of 30 minutes. Quizzes (not exams) are open book/open neighbor. The exams are closed book---no live or electronic help, except a calculator, is allowed.You will need to have a stable internet connection and do the exam all in one sitting. See the FAQ #13 for setting up your computer for the exams. The exam material will be drawn from homework, quizzes, in-class projects, lectures, and the textbook review questions. Dates for exams are given at the end of the syllabus and also on the class Canvas website.
There are no make-up quizzes or exams without hardcopy documentation of a medical or legal emergency from an officially-recognized neutral third party. See the FAQ #14 for what to do with computer/network problems on an exam day. Any other reason, including work schedules, will not be accepted. You will need to do the quiz or exam make-up the week of your return. If you have another school activity or family event that prevents you from taking the exam or quiz on the given date, you will need to arrange with the instructor an alternate quiz/exam time that is before the given date. There is A LOT of extra credit offered to make up for a few missed assignments. Quizzes and Exams are timed and will be due by 11:59 PM (Pacific Timezone). They will be posted on the due date by 4 AM and become unavailable after 11:59 PM (Pacific Timezone). Quizzes will not be emailed to you. If you forget to make a copy of the quiz, you will need to come in to my office to get a hardcopy.
The Skywatch assignment is due May 5 (Monday) at 11:59 PM (Pacific Timezone) and is worth 60 points. No late Skywatch reports will be accepted—mark your calendar and hand it in early if you will not be able to turn it in on the due date! Choose one of the Skywatch assignments described in chapters 4 and 5 of the Student Guide. The Skywatch requires a report that will be turned in via the appropriate link on the class Canvas website---NO emailed skywatch reports! The typed, complete data table, star chart, and/or photos must be turned in via the class Canvas website by April 3 (Thursday) by 11:59 PM (NOT emailed!). No late, untyped, or incomplete data records accepted; hand in early if necessary! You must turn in the complete, typed data record by the due date & time and it must be COMPLETE or you will receive zero credit for the final report (not just the data record)! Therefore, April 2 is the last possible date to complete your observations. See Video 7 of the video orientation for the class for more about the Skywatch assignment.
Understanding how the universe around us became the way it is and how the parts interact with each other enriches and deepens our appreciation for the artistry around us. However, it does mean that one has to confront and leave aside misconceptions and grapple with some complex (but manageable!) ideas. This class will be challenging but I hope you will find it rewarding and worth the time it takes to learn the subject so that at the end of the semester you will have that appreciation of our universe I spoke of above. Most of the assignments, except the monthly exams and the final Skywatch report, you can do with a partner or partners and I'll create groups every week for the students to help each other.
Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) is available to provide accommodations to students with diagnosed learning, mental, physical, and/or health related disabilities that are either permanent or temporary. Students with disabilities needing accommodations, including those who had an IEP or 504 Plan in high school, should make requests to Disabled Student Programs & Services at Center for Student Success (aka Student Services Building), Room 10, 661-395-4334 or email: dspsdesk@bakersfieldcollege.edu or virtual lobby: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/5023985567 as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. All requests for accommodations require appropriate advance notice to avoid a delay in services. Please provide me a copy of your DSPS-approved accommodation checklist so that we can work together to ensure your access and success at BC.
If you would like extra help with this course, do not delay because BC has not just one but three ways that you can get the support you need to be successful in any class on campus (all available ONLINE as well as in person on campus):
There is a lot of other free help for students outside of the classroom including the Student Health Center (for medical needs) and the Renegade Nexus (for food and housing assistance and other help). Since there are so many academic and non-academic resources available at BC, I created a Free Help/FAQ (Resources) for Students at Bakersfield College page to help all BC students quickly find the help they need.
Don't be afraid to ask for help! Make the choice early on in this class to try one or more of the above free services.
Absence for an exam or quiz will result in zero credit. In the event of an unavoidable and documented medical or legal emergency that prevents you from taking a quiz or exam, I will consider a make-up quiz or exam on an individual basis. Work schedules are not valid excuses. The documentation must be from an officially-recognized neutral third party. You must take the exam or quiz the week of your return. Abuse of this policy will void your privilege of a make-up exam or quiz. It is possible to take the exam or quiz early in the case of medical, legal, or job conflicts. Exam and quiz dates are given on the class Canvas website. The Final Exam will be comprehensive and will be on the Thursday of Finals Week. It is always possible to take an exam or quiz early but usually only within a couple of days early and it must be done on campus with a hardcopy form. There is A LOT of extra credit offered to make up for a few missed assignments.
Skywatch assignments and homework assignments are due by 11:59 PM (Pacific Timezone) on the given due date. No late homework (including tardy!) will be accepted. No late Skywatch reports and no late, incomplete, or untyped data records accepted at all. The Skywatch report & data record canNOT be emailed---they must be turned in via the appropriate link on the class Canvas website. Assignments, including quizzes, exams, homework, Skywatch, and worksheets, can always be turned in early. There is A LOT of extra credit to give cushion for missed required assignments.
Homework assignments on the class Canvas are due by 11:59 PM sharp of the due day (not 12:00 or later!!). Tardy homework assignments will get zero credit on the system. If you do not do the homework, it is 99% likely that you will fail the course. All of the homework assignments and class worksheets for the entire semester are available at the start of the semester, so you can do them well before the 11:59 PM deadline of the given due day. Many of the homework assignments have one or more extra credit questions to build up the cushion mentioned above---do the extra credit since it can only help you, not hurt you.
Many have marked the speed with which Muad'Dib learned the necessities
of Arrakis. The Bene Gesserit, of course, know the basis of this speed. For
the others, we can say Muad'Dib learned rapidly because his first training was
in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could
learn. It is shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn,
and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad'Dib knew that every
experience carries its lesson. (From the "Humanity of Muad'Dib" by
the Princess Irulan)
--Frank Herbert in Dune
last updated: January 18, 2025